Pastor’s Message

Greetings in His Name. Thank you for taking time to explore our site. This is a church with a difference. We are a family, fellowship, friendly, fulfilling and a favoured church. We are committed to “Serving the Community, Building Lives”. This is a place for all peoples of all nations and backgrounds. Very multi-cultural and full of diversity. Every person is special here and very much valued. Our ministry here at Open Doors is to lead the hurting, lost and unsaved to the Lord Jesus Christ and bringing him/her in a continual journey of daily encountering God. He is the only source of real life. Our greatest desire is a commitment to seeking God’s purpose for our lives. Life is worthless and tiresome when lived without purpose. We understand that well enough to know that man’s satisfaction is not in the abundance of things one possesses but only when he/she discovers their purpose on earth and doing it. I believe you every person on the face of the earth is searching for the right thing to do to attain inner fulfillment. Our goal is to lead you to that where the abundant life that Jesus promised (John 10:10) becomes a reality so that you can walk into your destiny.

Finding your purpose will begin as you come back to your creator and surrender your life to him. It is only in Jesus Christ that we find new life and purpose. Make a date with Jesus today and your journey to fulfillment will begin. Why don’t you visit us one of these days and see what God will do in your life.

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one goes to the Father but by me.” John 14:6

Dr Samuel Ghann


Dare To Dream

It is interesting to wake up in the morning and find out that you have only been dreaming. You wake up and would want to relive that dream because whatever the dream was, it was good and it should have been a real life scenario when you woke up. You never wanted to lose that connection. Sometimes, we say that ‘stop living in dreamland’ indicating that your aspirations and talk are evidently out of your reach. People will tell you, ‘come on, my friend be real’, but how will it look like after a couple of years time, they will see you in another world altogether living the dream that they told you was impossible and out of another world. The fact that we sleep and our spirit communicates in a certain way should tell us that there are possibilities that can be attained, especially when the dream was good. If it was a bad dream, normally it would be a warning message for you to watch out so that you can escape what is ahead.

My friends, dreams are powerful and the day that you begin to dream, it is that day that you began to define your future. I do not mean the dream that you get when you are asleep but rather the ability to use your mind to imagine your future and set goals to achieve, because God wants you to be able to partner with Him by using your mind fruitfully to think (He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or THINK, according to the power that works in us – Eph. 3:20). So, I want you to get it right, God wants you to use your mind to imagine, actually to dream. Yes, He does and because of this, God requires that you be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove that which is good, acceptable and perfect will of God, Rom. 12:2. A renewed mind is a key to great dreams because you can easily partner with God to bring His kingdom down. This means that God wants to help you achieve your dream because it will bless God, you and people.

As you read this, I encourage you to begin to have a dream for your life and believe that you will live that dream in the not too distant future. Great men have become who they are today for us to take inspiration from all because they had a dream. Martin Luther King, Jr. made the famous and widely acclaimed statement I have a dream and even though people thought it was wishful thinking, you and I are living the reality of that dream. Your dream can live on even when you are dead and gone. Out of that dream has come an unbelievable reality in the person of the US President Barack Obama who famously declared Yes, we can. That has changed the course of history. Can I ask you a question here, who ever said that these are the only ones who can change the course of history and make a lasting impression on this planet? It is your mind that is limiting you, so refuse to be limited and begin to have a dream. Dreams are powerful and have the ability to define your life.

I want to close by letting you know your dreams can be a true reality only when you partner with God because He alone knows your future and has the ability to bring it to pass. The devil only seeks to destroy that future by giving you a false dream which eventually destroys your life even though sometimes it might on the outside look like all is going well, but truly within you, you are a mess. It is for this reason that God wants to partner with you to make your dream real joy within and without. All He requires is for you to surrender your life to Jesus and He will wash away every sin and become your Lord. The partnership will begin there. If you need any further information, please contact us using the details on the contact page. In the next issue, I will continue to share with you on The Power of A Dream and take you through a number of ways that can help your dream become a reality and not just a dream.